Result Count 7 Item

Active presence of free zones in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
Active presence of free zones in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
Signing of investment cooperation agreement between Chabahar Free Zone and Shastan Investment Company
A memorandum of understanding on joint investment cooperation with one of Iran's largest investment companies was concluded between Chabahar Free Zone Organization and Shastan Investment Company.
The presence of Arvand residents in the elections was the foundation of the great saga of the Iranian nation
The Director of Public Relations and International Affairs of the Arvand Free Zone Organization appreciated the presence of Arvand citizens in the voting process in the first stage of the 14th presidential election.
From the design of 1200 investment packages to a positive trade balance of 106 million euros
In the 33 months of the 13th People's Government, Free and Special Economic Zones have made many achievements in order to facilitate the investment process and improve the country's trade balance.
"New appointment of service"; 33-month performance report of the 13th government in free zones
The Free and Special Economic Zones news base publishes the 33-month "Khemmet Bment" report of the 13th People's Government in the Free Zones.
Funeral ceremony of Abu Hojatullah Abdul Maliki
This ceremony was held on Saturday 2nd of July 1403 in Imam Sadiq Mosque (AS) in Tehran, with the presence of a group of military, country and free and special economic zone managers.
Allocation of 760 plots of educational, therapeutic and cultural land in the 13th government